P.O.Box : 05, Puttalam,

Sri Lanka

+94 76 445 1517

Community Trust Fund

Our Initiatives

We constantly participate in numerous spheres to improve lives

Community Trust Fund International Program Collaboration

Training Workshop and Consultation on Internally Displaced person in South Asia (IDPs – SA)

Donos Monitoring Visit on Project Area

Livelihood Project

Completed Housing Project and School Bulding Conraction

Water And sanitation Hygiene Program (WASH).

Temporary Shelter Project Return to IDPs

Lane Mines victim person issued the Rehabilitation and Relief Items

Lane mines Street Drama Program (MRE)

Road Contraction and Rehabilitation

Drainage and Channelling Development work

HIV AIDS Awareness , Workshop and Seminar Program for village people and Widows and IDPs

Our Projects

Water And sanitation Hygiene Program (WASH).

CTF work incorporation building infrastructure, improving sanitation and developing hygiene awareness programs. One person in five around the world has no access to safe drinking water. We provide clean water to every community we work with. We seek to minimize environmental impact through innovation. CTF is constructing Dug Wells, Tube wells, Community Wells, Establish water supply systems and constructing toilets and sanitation facilities for poor and needy families from    

Consumer society and CBOs. Hygiene training involves ensuring that people make the best use of the water, sanitation and Hygiene. This service includes the effective operation and maintenance of the facilities. Puttalam, Mannar,  Anuradhapra, Vavuniya, Tricomalee, Pollannaruwa, Batticaloa and Ampara district in order to access to clean drinking water for all communities Hygiene practice becomes vital where the usage of water from the dug well is concerned. Normally CTF conduct workshop, seminar and awareness program on hygiene and promotion and production to the selected families with the support of public Health inspector,    

Education & Awareness Raising

(Mine Risk Education)

CTF is Committed to promote education Development of the grassroot population. Hoping the achieve these targets it has been implementing several programs related to education throughout its lifetime (Awareness and House to House Visit Programs)

Campaign & Advocacy

To undertake campaign, advocate and work for repatriation of Sri Lankan refugees.

To campaign, advocate and work for the establishment of human rights,   elimination of all forms of discrimination, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance by advancing the international regime of human rights.  Work to achieve equal human rights for sexes, all races, all ethnic, religious and linguistic groups of Sri Lanka and inter-cultural, inter-racial and inter-religious harmony by advancing

To generate international awareness about the violation of human rights, prevailing racial discrimination, racism and discrimination practiced by the Government of Sri Lanka and mobilize

Project Summary


Project Title

Proj Objective


Provision of Teachers for Gap filling

To ensure the quality of education and improve examination results


Water and Sanitation

To improve sanitation and water facilities

Water Board


Project for resettle IDP’s in Poovarasankulam village at Nanattan AGA Division

To revitalize and strengthen the community base Organization that existed before displacement and empower them thru development activities

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 

Srengthening Children’s Clubs and Child Protection

Promotion of child right violation and protection of child rights


Income Generation Program

To support the vulnerable families to up lift their life standards

Ministry of Vanni Rehabilitation

Income Generation Program

To support the vulnerable families to up lift their life standards

Ministry of Vanni Rehabilitation

Ethnic integration and Sustainable livelihood

Socio/ethnic integration & Peace building Promotion & protection of human rights and Assistant of Resettlement


Project for sustainable human development & Poverty Alleviation

Increased employment and income level for selected beneficiaries’ knowledge in farming and fisheries

Official Development Assistance

World Food Day

Celebrating International World Food Day



To provide Qurban meat to the poor family

Malaysian Community, Global Peace Mission Malaysia & Usman Ahamed


To provide financial assistance to poor families

Global Peace Mission- Malaysia

Assistance for resettled families in Mullikulam

To provide in infrastructure and Sanitation, Transport facilities to Mulikulum

Danish Refugee Council

Mine Risk Education

Providing people with knowledge, skills and attitude to protect themselves from land mines and UXO’S


Pre School education for Children

To providing preschool education for the IDP’s and local children.


Mine Risk Education

Providing people with knowledge, skills and attitude to protect them selves from land mines and UXO’s


Agriculture Inputs

Improving self employment


HIV/ AIDS book translation

To educated the people about the HIV/AIDS and to let them know how to protect theme selves.


Palayaocruwa Development

To provide infrastructure development to resettled families


Trust Building

To improve quality of life and to build trust between communities


Media Training

To voice the issue of the IDP’s through the media with the support of the pressure group.

Forum Asia

Peace Reconciliation Training

Training the pressure group on Peace

Forum Asia

Kathna Project

To provide medical services for the needy people who are living in the camps

Malaysian Community and Global Mission Malaysia

Protection of children

To raise the awareness of CR among parents, teachers and children

To reduce the incident of violance against children in the society

To intervene on promoting and preserving the right for educational development

To encourage the parents and teachers to establish child friendly environment at homes and schools To bring better intergration and interaction among children of both returnees and local community

Save the Children Sri Lanka

Staff Exchange Program

Forging new ties, exchanging knowledge meeting people and crossing boundaries

Forum Asia

Ache Peace Study

To study about militarism and non-violence movement in solving violent conflict in Sri Lanka

Forum Asia

Medical Camp & Kathna

To provide medical assistance to vulnerable people


Sewing Training

Empowering women of our society

Global Peace Mission- Malaysia and WFP

Ithar Program

To provide Refreshment and Gruel to breaking fast

Global Peace Mission- Malaysia

Kurban, Study Materials & Mosque Repair

To provide facilities for improving cultural activities

Malaysian Community


Previous activities (Implemented during the year 2003-2009)


Donor Agency

Peace and Cooperation among ethnic groups


Ethnic reintegration and sustainable livelihood development

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Peace building among IDPs and local communities

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Income Generation Program (IGP)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Community Based Peace Building

Japanese Centre for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)

IGP and Social Welfare Activities

Japanese Centre for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)

End Violence Against Women through Social Mobilization


Child Rights Activities among Children affected by Conflict


Mine Risk Education

Mine Awareness Trust (MAT)

Water and Sanitation

National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)

Multi Information Centre of CTF Development

Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO)

Peace Negotiation Skills

The Asia Foundation (TAF)

Sri Lankan Peace Process Awareness Program

Forum Asia

Fundamental Human Rights –Follow UP

Cord aid

IDP Resettlement

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Mine Risk Education


Income Generation Program


Protecting Women against all Violence


Peaceful Coexistence for Returnees

CARE International

Ethnic Integration and Sustainable Livelihood

Cord aid

Sustainable Human Development and Poverty Alleviation

 O.D.I Japanese Embassy

Pressure Group Protest and Press Conference


World Food Day Competition


Human Rights Capacity Building Training

Community Trust Fund

Legal aid and capacity building

Forum Asia

Village development project


Peace project


Child rights project


Child rights project

Cida fit

HIV / AIDS program

AMAN Indonesia

Water and sanitation


Hygienic promotion


Human rights & legal awareness

The Asia Foundation

Peace project

National peace council

Flood relief projects


Child rights and sexual abuses

Save the children in Sri Lanka

Mine Risk Education


Providing food relief for war affected  IDPs

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

Diakonie German

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Sustainable Human Development and Poverty Alleviation

 O.D.I Japanese Embassy

Mine Risk Education


Fundamental Human Rights –Follow UP

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Ethnic reintegration and sustainable livelihood development

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Protecting Children from all forms of abuses and create better environment for their better future

Save the children in Sri Lanka

Protecting Children from all forms of abuses and child rights violation

FIT CIDA Canadian

Providing immediate relief for food victim’s

Diakonie German

Legal Empowerment among IDPs

The Asia Foundation

Promotion & protection of Human rights of IDPs 

The Brooking USA

Support war affected communities

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Support war affected communities

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Awareness raising on HIV-AID

AMAN Thailand

Mine Risk Education


Protecting Women & Chid rend  from Sexual Gender Based violence


Pre-School education for conflict effected children

ARF / LOME Thailand

Peoples SAARC 2008 Towards Peoples Union of South Asia 


Gap-Filling Education

Baithulmal Sri Lanka

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

Muslims Women Research and Action Fund 

Ethnic reintegration and sustainable livelihood development

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Providing immediate relief for flood victim’s

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Solidarity with Myanmar

Community Trust Fund

Ethnic reintegration and sustainable livelihood development

Cord Aid  Netherlands 

Promotion and peace ethnic integration

National Peace Councial

Permanent Housing tsunami Survivors


Community Development & Trust building


Improving the living standard of war affected communities

Return to Sender (RTS)

Peace and Cooperation among ethnic groups


Ethnic reintegration and sustainable livelihood development

MFA Royal Norwegian Embassy of Sri Lanka

Peace building among IDPs and local communities

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Income Generation Program (IGP)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Community Based Peace Building

Japanese Centre for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)

IGP and Social Welfare Activities

Japanese Centre for Conflict Prevention (JCCP)

End Violence Against Women through Social Mobilization


Child Rights Activities among Children affected by Conflict


Mine Risk Education

Mine Awareness Trust (MAT)

Water and Sanitation

National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)

Multi Information Centre of CTF Development

Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO)

Peace Negotiation Skills

The Asia Foundation (TAF)

Sri Lankan Peace Process Awareness Program

Forum Asia

Fundamental Human Rights –Follow UP

Cord aid

IDP Resettlement

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Mine Risk Education


Income Generation Program


Protecting Women against all Violence


Peaceful Coexistence for Returnees

CARE International

Ethnic Integration and Sustainable Livelihood

Cord aid

Sustainable Human Development and Poverty Alleviation

 O.D.I Japanese Embassy

Pressure Group Protest and Press Conference


World Food Day Competition


Human Rights Capacity Building Training

Community Trust Fund

Legal aid and capacity building

Forum Asia

Village development project


Peace project


Child rights project


Child rights project

Cida fit

HIV / AIDS program

AMAN Indonesia

Water and sanitation


Hygienic promotion


Human rights & legal awareness

The Asia Foundation

Peace project

National peace council

Flood relief projects


Child rights and sexual abuses

Save the children in Sri Lanka

Mine Risk Education


About Us
CTF Sri Lanka is a humanitarian organization dedicated to improving lives and creating lasting change in communities.




Contact Us: 

No: P.Box 05, Puttalam, Sri Lanka

© 2024 CTF SRI LANKA. All rights reserved. || Developed by Sulthan Jaseel : +94 76 999 1989