P.O.Box : 05, Puttalam,

Sri Lanka

+94 76 445 1517

Community Trust Fund


"Community Trust Fund strives towards the realization of a society in which justice, equality and human rights are respected and people lead a peaceful life in spite of various differences."


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About Us

A humanitarian charity named CTF Sri Lanka focusses on the short- and long-term needs of local people. We do assessments in each community to identify the most critical needs, then create programs to meet those needs.

Our goal in founding this organisation was to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate and assist them in achieving a brighter future.

What We Do

Relief, Rehabilitation, Resettlement, Reconciliation, Reintegration, Network, Education, Water and Sanitation, Gender Equality in Development, Human Rights, Women’s Rights and Child Rights, Peace Building, Capacity Building Saving and Credit Schemes, Environmental Protection, Social Mobilization, Mine Risk Education, Quality Improvement and Skill Training, Safeguarding Civilization and Cultural Values, Counselling, Community Empowerment, Disaster Management and Development.

Water & Sanitation

Providing clean water and sanitation facilities to communities

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving


Health & Nutrition

Promoting healthcare and addressing nutritional needs

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving


Education & Training

Ensuring access to education and providing skills training

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving


Sponsorship Program

Providing clean water and sanitation facilities to communities

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving


Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

Ensuring access to education and providing skills training

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving


Economic Development

Providing clean water and sanitation facilities to communities

Helping Humanity in Need Dignity-Based Giving

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Partner Organizations

Inspiring Stories

Find out about the lives we have changed through our work

Water And sanitation Hygiene Program (WASH).

CTF work incorporation building infrastructure, improving sanitation and developing hygiene awareness programs. One person in five around the world has no access to safe drinking water. We provide clean water to every community we work with. We seek to minimize environmental impact through innovation. CTF is constructing Dug Wells, Tube wells, Community Wells, establish water supply systems and constructing toilets and sanitation facilities for poor and needy families from

Consumer society and CBOs. Hygiene training involves ensuring that people make the best use of the water, sanitation and Hygiene. This service includes the effective operation and maintenance of the facilities. Puttalam, Mannar, Anuradhapra, Vavuniya, Tricomalee, Pollannaruwa, Batticaloa and Ampara district in order to access to clean drinking water for all communities Hygiene practice becomes vital where the usage of water from the dug well is concerned. Normally CTF conduct workshop, seminar and awareness program on hygiene and promotion and production to the selected families with the support of public Health inspector,

Campaign & Advocacy

To undertake campaign, advocate and work for repatriation of Sri Lankan refugees.

To campaign, advocate and work for the establishment of human rights, elimination of all forms of discrimination, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance by advancing the international regime of human rights. Work to achieve equal human rights for sexes, all races, all ethnic, religious and linguistic groups of Sri Lanka and inter-cultural, inter-racial and inter-religious harmony by advancing

To generate international awareness about the violation of human rights, prevailing racial discrimination, racism and discrimination practiced by the Government of Sri Lanka and mobilize

Our Partners

We believe in supporting charities that are active in making an impact in communities across the country. We provide strategic financial support to these non-profit organizations that align with our values. To achieve international and local funding support, CTF Sri Lanka is strictly following the organization’s objectives and accepted fund-raising policies. UN agencies, accepted charities, and locally mobilized funding sources are the sources of funding support for Sadaqa Welfare Trust.

Our Gallery

About Us
CTF Sri Lanka is a humanitarian organization dedicated to improving lives and creating lasting change in communities.




Contact Us: 

No: P.Box 05, Puttalam, Sri Lanka

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